1. If I could describe Jeff and Dom as a couple in one word, it would be Radiant. The love that they have for each other is unmatched, adoring, and shines bright. They both have pure hearts and a radiant demeanor. Together, they share a presence that everyone enjoys.
2. My fun memory comes from Jeffrey and I having over 30 years of shared memories that go back to bobbing for apples in Dougie's back yard and pushing Kathy's limits as sneaky teenagers. I am so thankful to have a trew friend that I continue to share this life with! I'm also so thankful that he found Dom. I adore their relationship and each other individually. My favorite memory with both is one Sunday that the three of us attended church together, and then had brunch in RVA. It was the perfect balance for us! We filled our hearts and enjoyed each other's company while exploring the city and making memories. I'm so excited to watch these two tie the knot and continue to love each other unconditionally!
Rina Peltola - Trew's Matron of Honor
1. If I could describe Trew and Dom as a couple in one word, it would be MAGNETIC 🧲. You both have undeniably magnetic personalities on your own! Your energy towards EACH OTHER is on another level and so inspiring.
2. My fun memory of Jeffrey was hard to pick! We have some pretty wild memories I could mention, but while reflecting back and trying to pick the best one, I realized it’s all the quiet moments in between that I cherish the most with Jeffrey. The existential conversations, navigating times of self discovery, supporting each other through tragedy and grief, binging on food and TV together with no judgement, and finding comfort in simply being together without the need for words. It’s those moments of raw authenticity and shared vulnerability that have built the foundation of our bond. The laughter, tears, and quiet understanding have made our friendship unshakable—a reminder that sometimes, it’s the simplest moments that mean the most.
Jamal Brooks - Trew's Best Man
1. If I could describe Dom and Trew as a couple in one word, it would be Fun! In every sense of the word! From the thoughtful gestures, the smiles and laughs, to their individual personalities, these two are one of a kind and perfect for each other!!!
2. My fun memory of the couple comes from being outside. I’d say any night we’ve been out (especially to bellos) we’ve had a ball! From me forcing drinks to Jeff, getting us all high as a kite, to Dom not being able to hang and throwing up all over the place ( one time in my bathroom) lol.
Never a dull moment when we outside!
Mercedes Pierce - Trew's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Jeff and Dom as a couple in one word, it would be Ordained/destined. I feel as if God created you two for each other and you’re “trewly” meant to be. “A ‘God-ordained relationship’ means a relationship, typically referring to a romantic partnership or marriage, that is believed to be divinely chosen or planned by God, signifying that the two individuals are meant to be together according to God's will.”
2. My fun memory of the couple comes from August 2024, my boyfriend and I attended an R&B festival in Richmond. Towards the beginning of the last set, it began pouring raining and I had to pee so badly. I called Jefe and Dom to see if we could swing by so I could use the bathroom. Well, a quick bathroom stop turned into the most random, fun-filled night where I laughed uncontrollably and we ended up at Jefferson Park around 1am, and saw the most beautiful view of a skyline under the stars.
Melissa Fortune - Trew's I Do Crew
1. If I had to use one word to describe Jeff and Dom it would be fulfilling. You two have a deep connection filled with respect, empathy, and companionship! I'm so glad that I get to be apart of this journey and continue to watch this union grow together!
2. My fun memory of the couple would have to be the day we all played hookie from work and went out on the boat! We had crabs, food, and plenty of drinks for the day! Well the drinks were flowing and so was the river 😂 We stopped to pee off the side of the boat and when we slowed down there was so much weight on the front the boat nose dived a little and the water came rushing in, then everyone dove to the back of the boat which made the water come in from the back, we played sesaw with a pontoon boat and the river! I started screaming "we are going down" I was scared to death made everyone wear their life jackets for the rest of the day! Once we got back to the dock I boo hooed like a baby cause I thought we were gonna drown all my friends (I was lit) everyone was laughing at me and Dom had to be my therapist and calm me down, which he is amazing at if I do say so myself! Now we laugh about it while still making fun of me and my dramatic self! We still look forward to our boat days so I guess they still trust us with their life 🙌😂
Shadonna McDowney - Trew's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Jeff and Dom as a couple in one word, it would be VIBRANT, you both are so full of the best energy ever and anyone who has the pleasure of being around you are blessed! Good energy like that is definitely valued!
2. Now I share some of my best memories with Jeffrey from momma Kathy house to the go kart on 3rd street!! One of my favorites was the night we went to momma Kathy's we were swimming and momma Kathy started the party with some "candy" and she made us some catfish nuggets and though the in between is and always have been blurry I'll never forget ending the night falling out the car in my yard and rolling my head n the sand! I had to wash my hair and momma Kathy jacket a couple times to get all that sand out.
We spent summers in the most random basement parties (iykyk Jeffrey use to have us EVERYWHERE) and riding through the beach music blasting stop signs was always a twerk session in front the headlights drinks by the bags (idk how we survived the four loko era but we made it) and no matter how many times the car stopped we was still rolling!!!! Every memory...we had a blast, we laughed, we had a few drinks, we ate and I probably have cried but each memory a time was had! I love yall so much! This union is definitely my favorite!
Jaid White - Trew's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Jeff and Dom as a couple in one word, it would be LIMITLESS because their love has overcome every obstacle no matter outsiders expectations. Together, they have built a partnership grounded in unwavering support, fierce loyalty, and joy that knows no boundaries. They challenge each other to grow, dream without limits, and create a world where love is boundless. Their connection inspires everyone around them to believe in the power of love and to live without fear of what’s possible.
2. My fun memory of the couple comes from Christmas 2024. The memories of Jeffrey & I are hilarious, character building and (something out of a drama series) 🤣🤣🤣 too many to count so I cannot choose just one. So I’ll go to the most recent of the 3 of us. Christmas Eve Jeffrey & Dom came to my Granny’s & brought gifts for myself, my Granny, my Mother, sister & little brother. Dom just sitting there on the couch laughing and taking everything in. It’s Jeffrey’s idea to go & get us breakfast to prepare for Christmas morning. (Even though he & Dom wouldn’t be there) Without fail Dom just as chill hops in the car & we go to food lion. Of course our local food lion holds all of the people we’ve grown up with, stopping Jeffrey as soon as we walk in. Dom is so calm, chill, laughs with me as we continue walking going down the aisles. He made sure I grabbed everything needed for a full breakfast. Jeffrey catches back up with us & we just keep laughing… I love this because it TREWLY just shows how selfless they both are. How much they love, who each other loves. How Dom goes with the flow of Jeffrey’s wind and it’s so effortless. It’s sincere. (I know it goes the other way around sometimes I just haven’t witnessed it yet) lol. But anywho, my favorite memory to date!
Denise (Bookie) Byrd - Trew's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Jeff and Dom as a couple in one word, it would be FABULOUS! I love how you guys are building this foundation of trust, laughter and mutual respect! I love how y’all love each other and it’s just a fabulous thing!!! I’m so blessed to witness this FABULOUS LOVE!!! Love yall 4life❤️
2. A fun memory with Jeff and Dom is when they took me to my first Soca and Afrobeats PARTY!!! I kept saying I didn’t want go but they weren't hearing it and come to find out IT WAS THE BEST PARTY I’VE EVER BEEN TOO!!! Until this day I’m still asking when is the next one 💃
Onieka Henry - Dom's Maid of Honor
1. If I could describe Domo and Trew as a couple in one word, it would be “Gracious”. You both have faced some tough times together and I’ve watched you both give each other grace over and over. The fact that you both understand you’re two perfect imperfect people that fell in love, that will carry you through this journey.
2. My fun memory of the couple comes from when we first met and Trew made me breakfast. Domo must have told him I like to eat lol. I walked into Domo’s house like who is this man! We greeted each other with a warm embrace like we’ve been friends for years. We laughed, joked and got to know each other over brunch. The man can cook ok! What I didn’t know at that time, was Trew would end up being such a Gem in my life after that day. Unfortunately, there’s too many memories of me and Domo to share! This man has been in my life for almost 2 decades! Let’s just say “we use to be outside” but we’re fiancés now! My favorite memory would be our trip to Guyana back in 2012. Having the luxury to travel back home at such a young age was a memorable moment for the both of us. A time was had in Guyana! We went to every event that was happening around that time. Also being around family and eating good food, it was def a great vacation. We even partied until it was time to get on our flight. We left the club at 2am, car packed already went straight to the airport to catch a 5am flight. Let’s just say we slept the whole flight back.
Nicole Griffin-Green - Dom's Matron of Honor
1. The word I would use to describe the relationship between Dom and Jeff is committed. Through commitment they not only make the pledge daily to love each other unconditionally and through whatever, but they put in the work too. All while living their best lives and spreading their light to others!
2. All the memories we have together are good so it’s hard to pick a favorite. You both surround yourself with such great people so anytime we are hanging out with a mix of both of your friends and families is a good time. 🫶🫶😘
Orin Greene - Dom's Best Man
1. If I could describe Domo and Trew as a couple in one word, it would be courageous! Eh eh, boi! Who tell you fuh leave me as the last solo Greene standing? Like, you couldn’t wait a lil longer? Words can’t even describe how stupid excited I am for you—like, cartwheel-while-holding-a-plate-of-ox-tail excited. You’ve been my ride-or-die since day 1, loving me unconditionally even as the single wild cousin.
2. WOW, we got so many memories, I would need a Netflix series to talk about them all. Fighting over granny’s stool to eat granny’s dinner, summers in New York double-dutching with the cable man’s wire (we were wild), trekking to the corner store for sunflower seeds and ice pops like it was a mission, whining up waistlines in Bermuda ocean on the first day fete, turning up at the Gryphon for DC’s boujetto Sunday Fundays, and you even flew to Panama to celebrate my birthday! You’ve been there through boy drama, giving advice, sharing secrets, and now look at us—psychiatry besties out here diagnosing vibes and protecting mental lives.
And then there’s Trew—ahhh, Trew. The literal bomb.com. He’s like a walking bundle of good vibes, and I’m beyond blessed to be part of your dream team. I can’t wait for more jokes, more adventures, and probably some more questionable dancing in the future. Love you both to infinity and back! Let’s keep this Greene greatness going!
Kelle Harrison - Dom's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Domo and Trew as a couple in one word, it would be REMARKABLE!
2. There have been so many amazing memories I’ve shared with my bestie Dom. Seeing him thrive in his authenticity while being loved and nurtured by Trew is a real blessing. I will always remember standing on Doms porch surrounded by all his and Trew’s closest friends as we anticipated giving the newly ENGAYGED couple the biggest and loudest congratulatory welcome home. As if the surprise engagement wasn’t enough, Trew was able to orchestrate the perfect plan to include all of their closest friends. Trew is one of the most intentional and thoughtful person Ive ever met. The look on Doms face was priceless! We laughed, cried, and prayed that God continues to guide and nourish this unbreakable bond that we may continue to create and be part of these incredible memories. The best is yet to come!
Jameela Christiani - Dom's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Uncle Bobo and Trew as a couple in one word, it would be authentic; you both are “Trew” to yourselves and one another.
2. My favorite memory with you both would be that time I came to stay over & Trew insisted on making burgers & fries but realized he forgot to pick up fries at the store before hand so we all left to get fries & didn't come back until Trew secured some fries from the back of a convenience store.
Tamera Henry - Dom's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Domo and Trew as a couple in one word, it would be heartwarming. The love you share feels so genuine, and it warms my heart to see that kind of connection still thriving in this day and age. Your love for each other is truly inspiring.
2. My fun memory of the couple comes from Christmas 2023. Trew made sure breakfast, lunch and dinner was served okay... I still think about them green beans till this day !!! and everything was delicious 😍😍😍😍😍.Us Just sitting and watching old movies that night until Dom fell asleep in his favorite spot in the couch 😭😭😭 so many memories but these are just my favorite that we have created ❤️❤️❤️ i love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️
Kumarie Parikh - Dom's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Dom and Trew as a couple in one word, it would be Inspiring. You both inspire each other daily to do greater things than yesterday. Not only do you both inspire each other, but you also inspire everyone around you. You both have inspired me to give myself grace and just do better than the previous day. For this, I truly do look up to both of you!
2. My fun memory of the couple comes from the first day I met Trew at Dom's house. This is the day I really saw Dom really happy and Trew the same. It's the day I saw Dom wait for a man to walk through that door because we all know Dom waits for nobody! It's the day I knew Trew and Dom needed each other to be even stronger and build an unbreakable relationship. I love you both and can't wait for the big day!!
Riesa Greaves - Dom's I Do Crew
1. If I could describe Domo and Trew as a couple in one word, it would be Fairytale! Not the glittery, movie kind, but the kind we dream of before life sprinkles its doubts and cynicism on us. You know, when you’re standing at the starting line of your life’s journey, wide-eyed, and wishing on stars for someone who fits you perfectly, like puzzle pieces meant to be. Someone who loves you fiercely through both the sunshine and the storms, who makes you laugh until your stomach hurts, especially when it’s just the two of you in your bubble of love. That’s how I’d describe y’all’s love: Trew-ly, a fairytale love.
2. My fun memory comes from one of Dom's eventful day with me, my son, and his nephew. Now, as most of you know, Dom is an incredible uncle. My son adores him. But let me tell you, this man is unhinged in the best way possible. So, Dom gets this bright idea: “Let’s take Samir and Rzā to the drive-through zoo.” Sounds harmless, right? WRONG. Let me set the stage. If you’ve never met Dom, let me explain: he’s like a walking sitcom, part comedian, part drama king. He’s probably in the top five funniest, most over-the-top humans on this planet.
So, we roll up to the zoo, armed with buckets of food. From the moment we entered, it was chaos. Absolute chaos. And not because of the children—no, no. The children were angels compared to Dom. He was like a kid in a candy store, except the candy was big, slobbery animals with zero boundaries.
Picture this: we’re barely five minutes in, and an enormous animal sticks its entire head into the car window. Dom, in peak dramatic form, SCREAMS like we’re under attack. “OH MY GOD, IT’S IN THE CAR! IT’S IN THE CAR!” He’s flailing, trying to protect his snacks like the animal came for him personally. Meanwhile, Samir and I are dying laughing and my toddler is holding on for dear life because he has never seen an animal of this capacity or his uncle act in such a manner; I literally could not breathe from laughing so hard.
But wait, it gets better. Dom, being Dom, decides he’s going to “establish dominance” over these animals. Yes, you read that right—he’s barking orders at them like they’re unruly toddlers. “BACK UP! STOP BEING RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL!” Spoiler alert: the animals didn’t care. Not even a little. They were bolder than him. One straight up snatched the food bucket out of his hands and then stared him down like, “What are you gonna do about it?”
At one point, another strutted up to the car like it owned the place. Dom’s face froze in pure terror as he whispered, “It’s going to try to come in.” And proceeds to try to wind up the glass so that there was only enough room to get to the bucket. That furry friend turned his head sideways like he was grabbing room service. By this point, the I am absolutely losing it; my stomach was hurting with laughter.
The grand finale? Dom was done. So done, he threw the bucket out the window; the animals were relentless, and I was sure I’d never laugh that hard again.
By the time we got back on the highway, my stomach hurt from laughing. As we stopped to take pictures by the mountains, Dom calmly says, “Those animals had no respect.” But honestly? It was the best day ever.